Newport Kolor Dash is primed and ready for lift off

KOLOR Dash sponsor Ruth got a baptism of paint when she arrived at St David’s Hospice Care to help launch this year’s event.

Ruth Adams, of Western Power Distribution, said: “I had an inkling what to expect at the launch as WPD has sponsored this fantastic event for a number of years. I certainly got a taste of the fun to be had and what to expect on Kolor Dash day, so now I’m well prepared.”

Commenting on WPD’s sponsorship of Kolor Dash Ruth said: “St David’s Hospice Care is a fantastic charity. The pandemic has meant that charities like them have all been hit hard financially and they need even more support than usual.

“We know Kolor Dash will help to raise vital funds in a really fun and enjoyable way and hopefully provide a boost to help them carry on the fantastic work that they do seven days a week, 365 days a year, though out our community.

Organiser Beth Harrington, of St David’s Hospice Care said: “Kolor Dash is brilliant fun for everyone. It’s the chance to get out in the fresh air in wonderful Tredegar Park, do a bit of light exercise and get yourself and as many others totally covered in a kaleidoscope of magical colours.

“Kolor Dash is great for families and groups of mates, in fact anyone and everyone who wants to let their hair down, get plastered in powder paint and help raise funds  for a very good cause.”

Beth said: “I was delighted that I was able to introduce Ruth to the wonders and delights  of Kolor Dash at the launch at the hospice and that she brought along WPD’s Pylonman, who is no stranger to the magic of the dash. What Ruth experienced was just a taste, the real fun happens on Kolor Dash evening.”

Newport Kolor Dash is on Friday, April 29, at Tredegar Park, Newport. Registration opens at 5pm accompanied by music. The five colours of paint, glitter, water and foam starts pumping at 6.30pm when Kolor Dashers set off on the 5km course.

Newport Kolor Dash is a fun 5k run, walk or jog, around Tredegar Park, Newport with the added touch of brightly coloured powder paint and entertainment provided by different stations along the route.

The entry fee is £10 for an adult, £5 for a child, £25 for a family ticket of two adults and up to three children. Fun sunglasses, extra powder paint and glow sticks are available to buy on the day. A range of other merchandise can be bought from the hospice’s online store.

For Tickets or more information, please contact fundraising on 01633 851051 or email or www.