Lots of auction goodies

WINNING Paul Fosh Auction bidders are almost as happy with the exclusive goody bag that they are handed after the sale as with the property they have bought.

Paul Fosh, owner of Newport-based Paul Fosh Auctions says: “The Paul Fosh Auction goody bag, something we introduced as a small thank you to our customers, has gained a kind of cult status.

“You can only get one of the PFA goody bags  if you’ve bought a property at one of our auctions so they’re pretty exclusive. The bags are filled with a whole range of Welsh produce and branded products, such as our unique Paul Fosh Auctions water bottle.”

Extreme athlete Paul, who lives in Monmouthshire,  said: “They’re highly prized.  I was out on my regular training run recently and was delighted to spot a fellow runner taking a short break and drinking from a Paul Fosh Auctions water bottle. I naturally stopped and had a chat while drinking from mine.”

Paul Fosh Auctions rigorously maintains the high standard and quality of the contents of the bags by  ensuring  only very best Welsh produce is included.

“People really value the bags. We’ve had a number of comments from clients for example complimenting us on the choice of goodies, in particular the biscuits and Aberffraw Biscuit Co. butter and chocolate chip shortbread. I’m always on the look out to add to the contents and to include even more, high quality, Welsh products.”

To mark Paul Fosh Auctions’ twenty years in business every twentieth goodie bag includes a £20 John Lewis voucher.

Paul said: “The new owner of a really quite expensive lot who popped by to pick up the keys to their new property seemed almost as excited to get the Paul Fosh Auctions goody bag as they were to take possession of the deeds to the house.”

The next Paul Fosh Auctions online sale, after which the next batch of Paul Fosh Auctions goodie bags will be handed out,  starts at 12 noon on Tuesday, April 27 and ends from 5pm on Thursday, April 29.
