Gwent surveyor Debra has all the right moves to carve out a successful career in property

DANCING may be Gwent surveyor Debra Bisley’s passion at the weekend but during the week its strictly property.

Graduate surveyor Debra, aged 27, is making all the right moves on and off the dance floor after taking a position at Newport-based Paul Fosh Auction.

Equally at home hiking, paddle boarding on the River Wye or surveying an historic building, Bath University historical buildings masters graduate Debra recently moved to live in Newport from Bristol

Debra hit the ground running at Newport-based Paul Fosh Auctions and has already handled some large properties including the biggest sale of the year for the auction house,  Alexandra Court, in Pill, Newport,  which sold for £1.3m in December

Debra, who had her first taste of property completing work experience at Andrews Estate Agency aged just 14,  said: ” I fell in love with the industry and found that I had a natural talent for valuing houses, it was this experience that made me determined to work within the property industry.

“I am now working as a graduate quantity surveyor for Paul Fosh Auctions and am thoroughly enjoying getting to know the Welsh property industry and the fast paced way of working that comes with working within an auctioneers. The next step in my career is work closely with Paul and the  team so that I can expand my knowledge and complete my APC so that I can  become chartered.

“Within my first  few weeks at Paul Fosh Auctions I valued a multitude of banks, residential units, a former dance studio and an historic former drill hall. The variety and flexibility that the job brings is incredible.

“Paul Fosh and the team have all been very welcoming and their experience is impeccable. Not only have my work colleagues  provided me with the opportunity to grow professionally but they have already enabled me to grow personally

“Although a plan to complete the Three Peaks of Wales challenge this year, something I have wanted to do for a long time, had to be postponed due to the  pandemic I’m looking forward to taking part along with my Paul Fosh Auctions colleagues next year.”

Property auctioneer and global adventurer Paul Fosh said Debra’s enthusiasm for her work and the outdoors was music to his ears. “Debra made an immediate impact from day one and hasn’t looked back since. She’s a wonderful asset to the business and has top marks from me for her keenness, attitude and enthusiasm.”