Icon signs up to support Business Awards for another year

Newport-branding and marketing guru Androulla Webb is celebrating more than 20 years of personal success by supporting a South Wales Argus Business Awards 2020/21 category which is close to her heart.

Androulla, owner and creative director of Icon Creative Design, an illustrious past winner of the Gwent Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, has seen her business grow over the past 20 years. From being based on Stow Hill in the centre of Newport, Androulla now employs a team of designers and project managers in a restored chapel in Bassaleg, on the outskirts of the city.

The full-service branding and marketing agency works with a diverse range of clients including Hodge Bank, Swansea University, Kings College London and Ballet Cymru on digital and print campaigns. The business is also creative partner for the UK wide charity, The Westfield Health British Transplant Games.

A sponsor in 2019, Icon Creative Design have confirmed that they are ‘Young Entrepreneur’ category sponsor of the South Wales Argus Business Awards 2020/21.

Androulla said: “We’ve been thrilled this year to be working for clients that have young adults at the heart of their organisations. The energy, passion and resilience during challenging times has been inspirational and we wanted to recognise this by supporting this category.

“This year has seen us develop new school brands for Bassaleg School in Newport and Ffynonne School in Swansea as well as expanding our Higher Education clients to include Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine who have been doing sterling work throughout the year.

Creative Director, Androulla who maintains a hands-on role within the company, said: “When Icon was first established my focus was purely on delivering exceptional graphic design as the nature of the business has grown and customer’s expectations have evolved so too has the company’s repertoire of skills.

“I initially started out on my own working freelance with agencies in Cardiff and progressed to developing my own clients including the WDA, CADW and the National Botanic Garden of Wales.

Many of our clients are now looking for a company to be a one stop shop, managing their portfolio of marketing requirements from shaping initial research ideas and creatives, organising photo shoots, digital campaigns, event delivery and evaluative feedback to name but a few. 2020 has seen a huge demand in digital work and we’ve helped clients with new websites, social media campaigns and animations in particular.’

“Starting your own business can be challenging but very rewarding. The South Wales Business Awards are a great way to raise your profile and get your story heard. It is also a fantastic marketing opportunity as the Business Argus reaches a wide audience across south east Wales.

“Taking control of my career has definitely worked for me and I wanted to encourage other entrepreneurs to do the same. I work in a fantastic office surrounded by my best friends, creating amazing work, for inspiring clients, need I say more!”

Icon Creative Design has a client list including Hodge Bank, Cardiff and Vale Music Services, Kingsway Centre, Bassaleg School, Westfield Health British Transplant Games, Kings College London, Swansea University, Newcastle University, Ballet Cymru and Leaderful Action.