Six-year-old donates birthday money to St David’s Hospice Care to help bereaved children

A KIND-hearted six-year-old asked friends to give money instead of presents for her birthday this year.

Grace Wingar, who dressed as Wonder Woman for her birthday, donated the £129.91 raised to Newport-based St David’s Hospice Care’s Unicorn Service.

The Unicorn Appeal, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, cares and offers support to bereaved youngsters and teenagers.

Miss Wingar decorated a special envelope into which she put all her birthday money and presented it to the Unicorn Service at the hospice in Malpas, Newport.

She was accompanied by her sister Freya, four, and said: “I told all my friends to give me money for my sixth birthday not presents. I’m glad the money will help children and I like unicorns.”

Her mum Melanie, who lives in Bridgend and who works at The Heath Hospital, Cardiff, said: “Grace is a very thoughtful and caring girl. I am very proud of her especially for what she has done to support the Unicorn Appeal.

“Grace is now looking for other things she can do to support the charity. Perhaps we’ll do a park run for St David’s Hospice Care.”

Elaine Robinson, of St David’s Hospice Care’s Unicorn Service, who welcomed Miss Wingar and her family to Malpas, said: “It was so lovely to meet Grace, her mum Melanie and her sister Freya. Grace is a charming and very considerate young lady.

“The birthday money that Grace raised will be put to very good use by us here at the Unicorn Project. We can never have enough arts and crafts materials for the children and it all costs money to provide.”

The Unicorn Service is run by Mrs Robinson, Child and Young Person’s Support Worker. She works with children through talking and play, giving one-to-one hands-on support and helping children with the changes that may be taking place around them such as a parent becoming bedridden or routines and family life being entirely disrupted.

services offered by the Unicorn Service can take place both in the home environment and the school setting, and can be accessed by children from pre-school age right up to the age of 18.

The Unicorn Service celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. St David’s Hospice Care are urging people to celebrate with them by taking part in ‘Unicorn Day’, which can be whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. Have some fun whilst raising money to help continue the much-needed, ever-growing services of the project.

You can get your free Unicorn Day fundraising pack by going to and make a difference just like Miss Wingar.

St. David’s Hospice Care will celebrate the tenth anniversary of its Unicorn Service with a Unicorn Day on Friday, July 12, visit