Room at St David’s Hospice is dedicated to Admiral

A Newport hospice room has been named in recognition of the support for St David’s Hospice Care from insurance company Admiral.

Admiral, which has an office employing some 1,000 people in Newport city centre, is a stalwart supporter of the Newport-based charity.

And now room number one, called Abergavenny, in the £5m, 15-bed hospice at Malpas, Newport, has been dedicated to Admiral.

Admiral has supported the City of Newport Half Marathon, which was staged for the first time in 2013, since 2014. The increasingly popular annual event in the city is an important fund raiser for the charity.

Unveiling the Admiral room at the hospice in Blackett Avenue, Malpas, Emma Smallcombe, of Admiral, said: “It is a lovely gesture for St David’s Hospice Care to dedicate a room at the inpatient unit to Admiral. We recognise and are grateful for the tireless work the charity does throughout our community

“We have been delighted to play our part in supporting the charity through our sponsorship of the Admiral City of Newport Half Marathon over the years. I am pleased to be able to announce that we are happy to continue that support for the 2020 staging of the event.”

Emma was joined at the St David’s Hospice Care room dedication by a group of fellow Admiral, Newport, colleagues all of whom have a close personal connection with the work of the charity.

Emma Saysell, chief executive of St David’s Hospice Care, helping to dedicate the room to Admiral, said: “Admiral has provided wonderful support to us over recent years for which we are extremely grateful.”

Christine Vorres, who organises the Admiral City of Newport Half Marathon, said: “It’s wonderful news that Admiral will again be supporting the half marathon in 2020. We look forward to working with Admiral over the coming months to deliver the event next year and in future years.”

There are now just three of the 15 rooms remaining undedicated at the hospice. Each of the rooms is named after either a South Wales castle or river. The remaining rooms are: 3: Caldicot, 5: Crickhowell and 6: Ebbw.

Registration for the Admiral City of Newport Half Marathon 2020 opens next month.